Its Monday, What are you Reading? (5)

, by Kt Clapsadl

It's Monday! What Are You Reading, hosted by Book Journey, is where we gather to share what we have read this past week and what we plan to read this week. It is a great way to network with other bloggers, see some wonderful blogs, and put new titles on your reading list.

Here's what I read this week:

Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs (Re-read)
Iron Kissed by Patricia Briggs (Re-read)
Bone Crossed by Patricia Briggs (Re-read)
Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs (Re-read)
Tempting Danger by Elieen Wilks
Mortal Danger by Elieen Wilks

This was my week off from school, but I didn't get in as much reading as I was hoping. However, that is because I visited a lot of family this week, and considering I rarely get to see them, I'll take the trade any day. I also did a beta read on a book called "The Heir" this week for an author that is trying to get opinions on her book before she tries to get it published. I was really impressed with the book, and I hope she is able to get it published. I would love to read sequels! I didn't get a chance to review the two new books I read this week, so look for them coming soon.

Here is my list for the upcoming week:

Blood Lines by Eileen Wilks
Night Season by Eileen Wilks
Motal Sins by Eileen Wilks
Blood Magic by Eileen Wilks

I'm going to keep the list low this week since the fall semester started today and it usually takes me a few weeks to get into the groove with it, so I'll be spending extra time on the classes. I hope everyone has a great week!


  1. I've read some of the Patricia Briggs books and I've enjoyed them. Good luck with the new semester of school.

  2. It looks like this past week was a Patricia Briggs week (I need to try some of her books) and this upcoming one will be an Eileen Wilks week. I'm guessing they are two authors you'd recommend?

  3. I love how you read these series. I have not done that in awhile but I would love to just go on a series of books. :D


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