Follow Friday & Book Blogger Hop (20)

Dec 10, 2010 by Kt Clapsadl

Book Blogger HopOn fridays I participate in both Follow Friday and the Book Blogger Hop.

Follow Fridays is hosted by Parajunkee's View, and is just Fridays.

The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy-for-Books, and runs Friday to Monday. There are new rules for the hop, so make sure to check out Crazy for Books for the details.

This week's question from Crazy for Books:

What is the thing you like most about reading book blogs? Is it the reviews, author guest posts, articles, giveaways, or something else entirely?

I'm going to have to answer with all of the above. It isn't just one thing that makes me enjoy other book blogs, it's the combination.

This week's question from Parajunkee:

Do you have an under-noticed author that you think we should all know about?

The author that jumps out the most for me in answer to this question is Karen Chance. I LOVE her books, but I never really hear anyone else talking about them. She has two series, but they are both based on the same world and characters.  Cassandra is a clairvoyant and Dorina is a Dhampire. These books are definitely worth checking out. I would however recommend reading Cassandra's books first as they are a better foundation to the world Karen Chance has built.
The order of books is:

Cassandra Palmer Series:
Touch the Dark
Claimed by Shadow
Embrace the Night
Curse the Dawn

Dorina Basarab Series:
Midnight's Daughter
Death's Mistress


  1. I will have to check those books out, sounds like some good ones!! I hope you are having a great weekend so far!!

    Feel free to check out mine at Addicted To Romance

    Happy Holidays!

  2. Stopping by through the hop. New follower! Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. I've really liked the Cassandra Palmer series, I haven't tried the other yet. I'm already a follower!

    My hop is at Coffee Table Press

  4. Ah, I love most is reading reviews of books I never heard of so I can create an endless horde list of TBR books. *grin*

    I also meeting interesting people who love the same things I love :)

    Under-noticed... All of the Indie Authors. Hop by and check out the badge my Igor created for me, us!!

    Mad Scientist

  5. I put Touch the Darkness on TBR list on Goodreads.

    I'm a new follower. Check out my under-noticed author picks:

  6. Hi! I'm a new follower. I love your header. Thanks for the recommendations, I put Touch of Dark and Midnight's Daughter on my TBR list.
    Have a great weekend :)
    Caroline @ Bon Bons and Reveries

  7. I love to enter the giveaways. It's always exciting to be exposed to new books with the possibility of getting to read them.

  8. I've heard of Karen Chance, but never read any of her books. I'll have to give them a try sometime.

  9. I've read the Cassandra Palmer series, but hadn't heard of the Dorina Basarab series. I'm putting that one on my list, for sure!

  10. I'm your newest follower!
    Just blog hopping by! Nice to meet you. :-) My hop is at The Lit Express.

    Come check out our 100 follower giveaway. Prize is an amazon gift card!

  11. Hello! Hopping by!! Have a great weekend :)

  12. Hey, just hopping through. =]
    I have to say, I didn't like Touch the Dark, not sure why, I just didn't feel like I wanted to carry on reading it... Oh well. :L

    Have a great weekend!
    Bella @

  13. Blog hop-ing! Really love your blog! The layout is AMAZING!!!! I absolutely love your bookshelf display!!! How did you do it??

  14. Just hopping through :) I love your Bookshelf - what a great way to capture all those book covers!

    MIchelle from PIneapples & Pyjamas

  15. Hello. I was just hopping by when I thought I would say hello. I liked it so much I thought I would follow. Good to meet you.
    Take care,



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