Acquainted With the Night (Early Review)

, by Kt Clapsadl

Acquainted With the Night by Piper Maitland
The Night #1

The pages of history are written in the blood of the undead…
A woman’s quest for the truth…
A medieval icon that holds the clues…
An ancient book with the power to shake Christianity—and humanity itself…

Caroline Clifford’s bland life as a London tour guide flips upside down when her beloved uncle is brutally murdered at a Bulgarian archeological site. While traveling to recover his remains, she meets a man who corresponded with her uncle. Jude Barrett is a biochemist on a mission—to eradicate the world of vampires… 

At first, Caro is dismissive of Jude’s beliefs, but she can’t ignore the signs around her—the human bites on her uncle, the strange men following her, the anguished cries after sundown. Strange anagrams on her uncle’s passport lead her and Jude to a cliff-top monastery in Greece, where a shattering revelation connects a relic Caro inherited from her parents to an age-old text on immortality—and an enigmatic prophecy that pits the forces of darkness and light in a showdown that could destroy them all…

Caro's life has become rather plain and simple since she stopped pursuing her Ph D. All that changes when her Uncle, the man who raised her was savagely murdered. In her journey to make the funeral arrangements she meets a man who was corresponding with her Uncle on a very tricky subject. Jude has some crazy ideas about vampires which Caro instantly writes off, but then she remembers some strange events that have happened in the past few days and realizes that he may just be right. They set off on a quest to find answers in an ancient text. But first they must follow the breadcrumb trail her uncle left for her in order to find it.  

In Acquainted With the Night, the vampires are a combination of both science and history, making for an interesting blend. Things really were a case of past meets present as Caro and Jude were on a quest to find answers in an ancient text, all the while being chased by a man who would use them for his own horrific science project. It would have been very easy for this story to have become jumbled and confusing, but it never did. Every new revelation was presented in a very understandable way that only added to story. I really love books that have a world behind them that is fully realized and very rich, but never overtakes the main plot.

The relationship between Caro and Jude at first seemed to be incredibly rushed. Not that I am really complaining though, as they sure made for an incredibly steamy couple. However, once a shocking reveal was made all of their progress as a couple seemed to be set back to the stone age, which left me more than a little heartbroken myself. I went from be more than a little cavalier towards their relationship to feeling bereft at the sudden change. The book's ability to grab a hold of my emotions in such a way was really impressive. I always love a story that can make me become fully attached to the characters, and Acquainted With the Night sure fits that bill.

Despite its length, Acquainted With the Night read very quickly, to the point where the pages seemed to fly by. In fact there was only one small section that seemed to drag, but that could also be attributed to reader fatigue as I read it straight through. It is no small feat to be able to fully hold my interest for 500+ pages in one setting, so Piper Maitland definitely deserves some major kudos. I cannot wait to see what is in store next for Caro and Jude as a whole new can of worms was opened up at the end that can only spell trouble for them in the future. 

(Received a copy from the publisher)


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  1. Great review! It definitely sounds interesting and I'm glad you liked it! I love when a longer book makes the pages fly as well! It definitely shows it's a good story. :)

    I can't say I'm familiar with this one since before, but now I'm very intrigued! Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

    Rebecca @ Kindle Fever


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  5. مرض السكر من الامراض التي تشكل خطورة كبيرة علي حياة الاشخاص لانه قد يؤدي الي الاصابة بالقدم السكري في الكثير من الاحيان ؛ ويعتبر الدكتور محمود ناصر افضل دكتور قدم سكري في مصر حتي الان ذو خبرة كبيرة في علاج مرضي السكر .


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