Let's Talk US Winner

, by Kt Clapsadl

It's time to announce the US portion of the Let's talk giveaway. I love everyone's question ideas and  we are very excited for the feature to kick off on 11/2! I can't wait to see everyone's responses. Also the QUESTION FORM is still open for submissions if you guys have anything you want to talk about in future Let's Talk installments. Also, here's the full schedule of upcoming Let's Talk Questions.
  • U.S. Giveaway: One winner will get a choice of One ARC from below. (The International giveaway was announced over at Smash Attack Reads)
Darkness Hunts (Dark Angels, #4) Bitter Blood (The Morganville Vampires, #13) Steel's Edge (The Edge, #4) Black Lament (Black Wings, #4)

Thanks again everyone, and I can't wait to talk to you guys on the 2nd!

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