Let's Talk With Smash & Kt (11)

, by Kt Clapsadl

Welcome to the Let’s Talk weekly discussion meme!

Originally hosted by Melissa from i swim for oceans, Smash & Kt took her original inspiration, and made it their own, expanding it to more than just books. Let’s get personal (but respectfully so) and learn more about one another!  Each week, a different question will be posted along with a place to link up your posts and visit other people’s responses.This meme is definitely meant to bring out conversation and meet new people. So, Let's Talk! 

We'd love to hear any ideas you have for questions. Submit them Here

This week's question:

If you could be any animal (real or mythical), what would it be, and why? Get creative here! (Thank you, Ashley/The Bibliophile’s Corner!)

Wow, this is a really tough question. I can honestly say that I've never thought about what it would be like to be an animal. I mean, come on, animals can't read. ;) I guess animals might have less stress, but in all honestly I don't think I would want that simplicity.

I do feel a bit guilty for not really answering the question, so I think I'm going to go with a compromise and pick a were-creature and have the best of both worlds. I'd want to be a were-tiger. Tigers are so majestic and powerful, and yet incredibly graceful all at the same time. Besides, it would be seriously bad-ass to have claws. ;)

Oh and for a good series featuring a were-tiger, check out Nina Berry's Otherkin series.

Here's links to my reviews: Otherkin and Othermoon

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