Let's Talk With Smash & Kt (21)

, by Kt Clapsadl

Welcome to the Let’s Talk weekly discussion meme!

Originally hosted by Melissa from i swim for oceans, Smash & Kt took her original inspiration, and made it their own, expanding it to more than just books. Let’s get personal (but respectfully so) and learn more about one another!  Each week, a different question will be posted along with a place to link up your posts and visit other people’s responses.This meme is definitely meant to bring out conversation and meet new people. So, Let's Talk!  
We'd love to hear any ideas you have for questions. Submit them Here

This week's question:

Are too many books being made into movies? (Thank you Krista/The Dust JACKet)

I don't think so. In fact as I sit here writing this (2/14), I'm super anxious for this weekend as I'll finally get to see Beautiful Creatures. I just love seeing my favorite characters come to life. that being said, I will always think books are far superior to movies, and I do get annoyed at the changes they make in the movie adaptations. Well, let me rephrase that, I don't mind the minor changes made that are necessary due to the change in format. I just don't care for the big ones, like the way they changed the end of Breaking Dawn part 2. I also hate it when big chunks are left out as I think the tone changes drastically because of it. But still, there's just something so interesting about seeing those characters come to life on the big screen.

What do you think?

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