Gone With the Wolf Tour

, by Kt Clapsadl

Please join me in welcoming Kriston Miller back to A Book Obsession..!!

Talking Books: My All-Time Favorites

There are many levels of “great books”. There are the books you finish, take a deep breath, and sigh after. There are the books that make you cry—books you can barely finish reading because the tears are clouding your vision. (Believe it or not, these are my least favorite.) There are books you finish and a warm fuzzy immediately follows. There are books you devour before hitting up everything else that the author has written. Then there are books that have left an emotional footprint on our hearts—ones that got us through a painful time, so when we re-read the words, we’re swept back to that place.

Below are three amazingly great books. One is my go-to re-read, one surprised the hell out of me, and one changed my life:

Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier: This is my go-to, all-time favorite book. It’s dark and mysterious with danger and intrigue, yet the writing is so crisp and beautiful, you almost forget you’re reading a murder mystery. It should be literary. It should be prose. I’ve read this book a handful of times, and each time it gets better.

The Chief by Monica McCarty: This was the first historical romance I’d ever read. I picked it up because Monica and I belong to the same RWA chapter, and I’d heard her talk about how well it was doing upon its release. This one book was a game changer for me. Who knew kilts could be so HOT?!? I certainly didn’t, but I realize now that I’d been missing out.

Nora Robert’s The Circle Trilogy: Book One is Morrigan’s Cross, and it was the first paranormal romance novel I’d ever read. It opened my eyes to a world I wanted to revisit again and again. After reading that book, I knew I wanted more. I wanted to read more, write more, and create worlds and realms that were just as captivating.

As far as heroes and heroines go, we all have our favorites, and they’re easy to pick from the bunch. If you remember a hero or heroine’s name, that’s a sure-fire sign that they’ve made it into your top ten. (I’ve found that names are easily forgotten with the exception of a select few who’ve really made an impact.) Here are my favorites:

Rhage from J.R. Ward’s Lover Eternal: The Black Dagger Brotherhood was introduced to me by my friend and critique partner, Author Lisa Sanchez. I liked the first book (Wrath’s story) enough to read the second (Rhage’s story) and that’s where the series leaped off the charts. Rhage is everything a true romance hero should be: smart, witty, dangerous, sexy as hell, and gladly rides the fine line between acceptable and deviant.

Chess Putnam from Stacia Kane’s Unholy Ghosts: I fell in love with Chess right away. She makes no apologies for her weaknesses with drugs or her sexual relationships with men. She accepts who she is, flaws and all, so I do, too. She stuck with me long after I put the book down…which is why I’m still reading the series.

Nicholas Stafford from Jude Deveraux’s Knight in Shining Armor: This man…oh, this man. I bawled through this book (remember earlier how I said I hated that?), and it wasn’t because the plot was good (though it was). I cried because Nicholas pushed the heroine away so she wouldn’t go on loving a man she couldn’t be with. (Time kept them apart.) He pushed her away because he loved her, because he couldn’t bear to make her long for him her entire life. Then, when they finally meet up in his time….(:dreamy sigh: I think I need to read the book again)…let’s just say Nicholas is a hero who stuck with me, who jumped off the page, and grabbed me by the heart.

So that’s it! My book favorites! Which are yours?

Author Info:

Kristin Miller has had a passion for language and literature her whole life. Born and raised in northern California, she often made up stories about faraway places and edge-of-your-seat adventures. After graduating from Humboldt State University, Kristin taught high school and middle school English, married her college sweetheart, and had two beautiful munchkins. In 2008, she took time off from teaching to raise her children, and started writing while they napped.

Her first novel was published in 2011, and since then she has had seven other novels published (mostly paranormal romances). She is the author of the dark and gritty Vampires of Crimson Bay series and the short-but-steamy Isle of Feralon novellas.

Find Kristin online:

Book Info:

CEO and alpha werewolf Drake Wilder has given up the search for his one true love. When he discovers that she’s a secretary in his company, Drake’s primal instincts kick into overdrive.

What he wouldn’t give to have her fingers rake over his body instead of the keyboard…

Free-spirited bartender Emelia Hudson wants nothing more than to make her Seattle-based bar succeed. But when profits decline, she slips into a dress suit and secures a nine-to-five. After learning that her bar has become property of Wilder Financial, Emelia is determined to get some answers.

Two can play the ruthless business game. If only her attraction to the boss wasn’t so intense…

When Drake’s twin brother senses that Drake has found his match—and now inherits their father’s billion dollar estate—he hatches a plan to take Emelia out. Drake vows to protect her at all costs, but he might have to pay with his own life.

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