Covet Feature Author: Boone Brux

, by Kt Clapsadl

As long time readers of this blog know, I absolutely love all things Paranormal. So much so, that when the position for the Publicity Director of Entangled Publishing's Paranormal Romance line, Covet, opened up, there wasn't even a moment's hesitation in knowing this position was perfect for me. Covets have all the sexiness, emotion, and happily ever after that readers have come to expect and love from Entangled. They are firmly grounded in the contemporary world, but each novel brings in supernatural twists, breaking the contemporary and paranormal rules, alike. To find out more about our titles, chat with authors, participate in special events, and to find out what books you’ll be coveting next, visit the Entangled website, follow us on Twitter, and LIKE our Facebook page.

I love being able to combine work and play, so I'll be featuring all of our authors as they release their new titles. Each one will be stopping by to share their top 5 favorite paranormal characters. Today's guest is Boone Brux whose new title Suddenly Beautiful features the son of Aphrodite and the daughter of Ares. As they say all is fair in love and war. ;) So, please join me in welcoming Boone!

Paranormal, I love it, in theory. If I had to face some of these characters in real life, I might not be so enamored. But as a reader and a writer of paranormal I think the strange and awesome powers of these characters make for fantastic tales. So here are my top favorite.

(Side note from Katie: freely licensed images are so hard to find, so I've added images of MY favorite books with Boone's favorite type of characters)

1. Reapers: I love the concept of helping others to cross over. Depending on what story you’re reading, reapers can be funny, sassy twenty-something females, or truly terrifying angels of death.

2. Demons: Don’t ask me why I love them so. I think for the same reason I love reapers. The thought of a demon trying to repent while his or her comrades feel differently catches my attention every time.

3. Angels: Sexy angels are a major turn on. But I would have to ask myself, would I allow one of them to give up his immortal soul for me? The reality would be that the issue would never come up. Their calling is probably much higher than a lifetime putting up with my crap—but it’s a nice fantasy.

4. Dragons: I want one for a pet and I want to be able to shift into one. But if I had one for a pet it would have to be small. I have enough trouble cleaning up the dog poop in my yard. I can’t imagine having to scoop up Volkswagen size piles—unless it had magical powers and I could sell it to the local farmers. I feel a storyline coming on.

5. Last but not least, I really enjoy a good familiar. Animals that don’t shift, but have some connection to humans make for great secondary characters. My familiar of choice would be a raven. Not only could they bring me shiny objects, but they’re freakin’ cool and smart. If I was a reaper with a raven familiar, that would be the best of both worlds.

So there you have my top five paranormal characters—or creatures if you will. What is your favorite paranormal character? Vampire? Fae? Weremoose? Thankfully in today’s paranormal stories anything goes.

Thanks Boone! I hope you don't mind me adding my favorite books in there to feature your types of characters. Although you should have chosen a demi-god so I could have put your book up there. ;)

Author Info:

As a multi-published and an award winning author, Boone's writing drips with experiences from real life.

Addicted to anything that might make a good story, she weaves tales that range from dark fantasy to humorous romance. Settled in the icy regions of Alaska with the love of her life and twin daughters, it's not uncommon to find her tapping away on her iPad on a windy beach or the barren tundra.

Be warned, anyone and everything is fodder for one of Boone's novels.

Find Boone online:

Book Info:

Being the son of Aphrodite isn’t a walk in the clouds. Rebelling against his demi-god status, billionaire make-up mogul Toraos Stephanos fights to separate his personal life and the immortal world by swearing off demi-god girlfriends forever. Too bad his newest employee can't take the hint.

Though Nikki secretly pines for her smoking hot boss, no way will she jeopardize her job and independence professing her love to a guy so clearly out of her league. Too bad that leaves her with only imagining him naked and thinking evil thoughts about the new girl. After a single bottle of Ambrosia and one night of passion... Nikki finally thinks she has a chance with the man of her dreams. But the next morning, Tor pretends like nothing happened, leaving Nikki with an emerging drive for combat—after all, turns out she is the daughter of Ares and she's about to make her mama proud.

All is fair in love and war... and Nikki's not about to let anyone forget it.

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