Early Review: A Shiver of Light by Laurell K. Hamilton

, by Kt Clapsadl

A Shiver of Light by Laurell K. Hamilton
Merry Gentry #9

I am Princess Meredith NicEssus. Legal name Meredith Gentry, because “Princess” looks so pretentious on a driver’s license. I was the first faerie princess born on American soil, but I wouldn't be the only one for much longer...

Merry Gentry, ex–private detective, now full-time princess, knew she was descended from fertility goddesses, but when she learned she was about to have triplets, she began to understand what that might mean. Infertility has plagued the high ranks of faerie for centuries. Now nobles of both courts of faerie are coming to court Merry and her men, at their home in exile in the Western Lands of Los Angeles, because they will do anything to have babies of their own.

Taranis, King of Light and Illusion, is a more dangerous problem. He tried to seduce Merry and, failing that, raped her. He’s using the human courts to sue for visitation rights, claiming that one of the babies is his. And though Merry knows she was already pregnant when he took her, she can’t prove it.

To save herself and her babies from Taranis she will use the most dangerous powers in all of faerie: a god of death, a warrior known as the Darkness, the Killing Frost, and a king of nightmares. They are her lovers, and her dearest loves, and they will face down the might of the high courts of faerie—while trying to keep the war from spreading to innocent humans in Los Angeles, who are in danger of becoming collateral damage.

My first thought when I heard about this book: "Finally, a new Merry book!" My last thought when finishing this book: "I wonder how long we'll have to wait until the next Merry book..." For some reason I had thought that since there was such a very long stretch between the last installment and this one that A SHIVER OF LIGHT would be the final installment and would wrap everything up in the series. No such luck, and I'm trying really hard not to let that sour my experience with book. I was really hoping for some resolution, but while things definitely moved forward on the personal front, the actual overall plot with faerie and the different factions honestly didn't change all that much. However, all of that being said I don't think any of this would have been a complaint at all if it had not have been for the long wait to get to this book, as the story moved a long well and there was more than enough going on with that personal front with Merry's babies and men and her court, and of course there was plenty of political stuff too, because how couldn't there be in a Merry book. So, now onward with things putting my wants aside...

Poor poor Merry. I honestly don't know how she does it. No one respects her except for her men, and yet they are some of the reason she is so looked down up. It doesn't seem to matter who it is, but everyone from fae to humans all sneer at her for one reason or another. While she does have moments where she breaks down and falls to pieces and it takes Frost and Doyle to comfort her through it, she always picks herself back up and continues on. She is amazingly strong and I just love how she doesn't back down from anything she believes in. It's both funny and awesome to watch her go all momma bear when one of the "elite" fae make negative comments about the lessor fae, especially one of her men. She truly is one of the most fair, yet ruthless rulers, and frankly incredibly admirable. If all of her opponents just paid even the slightest bit of attention to how much her people love her, well it would be a real eye opener for sure. But no, she's left with fear, elitism, and resentment to deal with and it just breaks my heart for her. But I guess that's the sign of a truly good book where challenges to the characters break the reader's heart right alongside them, and that's definitely the case here.

There's so much more I could say about this book, like how great it was to finally "meet" the babies, and see the fathers interact. There's also much to be said about the political machinations going on, and the way things ended, but all of that is better left alone for readers to enjoy themselves. So I'll end things by saying that the long awaited A SHIVER OF LIGHT doesn't disappoint and is an absolute must buy for all Merry fans out there.

(Received a copy from the publisher)



Other Reviews:

Previous Books:
     1. A Kiss of Shadows
     2. A Caress of Twilight
     3. Seduced by Moonlight
     4. A Stroke of Midnight
     5. Mistral's Kiss
     6. A Lick of Frost
     7. Swallowing Darkness
     8. Divine Misdemeanors

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