Early Review: Black Widow by Jennifer Estep
Black Widow by Jennifer Estep
Elemental Assassin #12
There’s nothing worse than a cruel, cunning enemy with time to kill—and my murder to plan.
With wicked Fire elemental Mab Monroe long gone, you’d think I could finally catch a break. But someone’s always trying to take me down, either as Gin Blanco or my assassin alter-ago. Now along comes the Spider’s new arch-nemesis, the mysteriously named M. M. Monroe, who is gleefully working overtime to trap me in a sticky web of deceit.
The thing is, I’m not the only target. I can see through the tangled threads enough to know that every bit of bad luck my friends have been having lately is no accident—and that each unfortunate “coincidence” is just one more arrow drawing ever closer to hitting the real bulls-eye. Though new to Ashland, this M. M. Monroe is no stranger to irony, trying to get me, an assassin, framed for murder. Yet, as my enemy’s master plan is slowly revealed, I have a sinking feeling that it will take more than my powerful Ice and Stone magic to stop my whole life from going up in flames.
I have to admit I was a bit worried about this one as it seemed like we were in store for a Mab 2.0 showdown. However, MM is nothing like her mother. Don't get me wrong, she's a massive big bad, and tough as heck for Gin to go up against, but unlike Gin's previous foes, MM doesn't come at her straight on. There's all kinds of plotting and scheming and many different angles at play, making MM a mastermind at strategy and manipulation. This may sound strange, but I actually enjoyed seeing Gin fall right into the traps MM set, because it made things even more intense and edge of seat than the typical who's the bigger bad showdown. Don't get me wrong, of course there was a showdown by the end, but it was the lead up that made this one feel over the top, and I loved every moment of it. I can't wait to see who Gin faces next!
Every single time I finish a Gin Blanco book, I'm amazed that everything that woman goes through hasn't become stale and old hat by this point. It's just incredible that after everything she's faced that the danger and risk still comes across full force. I really love how these books guarantee me an action packed ride that never feels stale, making them a treat in the Urban Fantasy genre. Seriously, 12 books, and this series isn't showing any signs of losing steam. Bravo Ms. Estep, Bravo!
So, I'm happy to give this one the stamp of my approval. Highly recommended to fans of the series, BLACK WIDOW is one heck of a ride from start to finish that's sure to please!
(Received a copy from the publisher)
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Previous Books:
1. Spider's Bite
2. Web of Lies
3. Venom
4. Tangled Threads
5. Spider's Revenge
6. By a Thread
7. Widow's Web
8. Deadly Sting
9. Heart of Venom
10. The Spider