Review: Breaking Badger by Shelly Laurenston

, by Kt Clapsadl

Breaking Badger by Shelly Laurenston
Honey Badger Chronicles #4

Fans of Thea Harrison and Nalini Singh won’t want to miss this exciting, funny, and sexy novel in the mega-popular series.

It’s instinct that drives Finn Malone to rescue a bunch of hard battling honey badgers. The Siberian tiger shifter just can’t bear to see his fellow shifters harmed. But no way can Finn have a houseful of honey badgers when he also has two brothers with no patience. Things just go from bad to worse when the badgers rudely ejected from his home turn out to be the only ones who can help him solve a family tragedy. He’s just not sure he can even get back into the badgers’ good graces. Since badgers lack graces of any kind . . .

Mads knows her teammates aren’t about to forgive the cats that were so rude to them, but moody Finn isn’t so bad. And he’s cute! The badger part of her understands Finn’s burning need to avenge his father’s death—after all, vengeance is her favorite pastime. So Mads sets about helping Finn settle his family’s score, which has its perks, since she gets to avoid her own family drama. Besides, fighting side by side with Finn is her kind of fun—especially when she can get in a hot and heavy snuggle with her very own growling, eye-rolling, and utterly irresistible kitty-cat...

I absolutely love this series! The books are over the top, zany, hilariously fun. The outlandish events are rather implausible for the sheer absurdity, and yet it more than works. I can't say just how many times I burst out loud laughing audibly to the point where my family looked at me like I was nuts. They are just that funny, and the absolute perfect pick-me-up for anyone in need of a good laugh. You could be having a terrible week, and these books will be the perfect cure. There's just something so heartwarming about this insanely dysfunction but utterly close knit rag tag group and all the hijinks they get involved with.

This time around featured Mads, one of the badgers on the basketball team. I really enjoyed getting a deeper look into the players and the dynamic of the team, especially Mads. She's just as "feral" as Max, and I loved it. Seeing the lions dance around her was nothing short of hilarious, and I really enjoyed the romance overall. 

If you're looking for a laugh out loud escape, look no further than BREAKING BADGER and the entire Honey Badger Chronicles series. Trust me, you'll want to grab this one!

(Received a copy from the publisher)


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     The Brown Eyed Bookworm
     Jessica's Totally Over the Top Book Obsession
     Books & Chat

Previous Books:
     1. Hot and Badgered
     2. In a Badger Way
     3. Badger to the Bone

Review: Mile High with a Vampire by Lynsay Sands

, by Kt Clapsadl

Mile High with a Vampire by Lynsay Sands
Argeneau #33

In the latest Argeneau novel from New York Times bestselling author Lynsay Sands, an immortal and her mortal pilot are on the run from hungry vampires...and discover they’re life mates along the way. 

Jet Lassiter likes being a pilot for Argeneau Inc. Perks included travelling to exotic locations and meeting interesting people, even if they are the blood-sucking kind. He’s living the good life, until his plane goes down in the mountains and four of his passengers are gravely injured. They need blood to heal... and Jet is the only source.

Quinn Peters never wanted to be immortal. Once a renowned heart surgeon, she was turned against her will and now she has to drink blood to survive. Before she can ask how her “life” can get any worse, she’s in a plane crash. One of the few survivors, Quinn is desperate to get the mortal pilot to safety before her fellow immortals succumb to their blood lust and drain Jet dry.

But hungry vampires are the least of their worries—the crash wasn’t an accident, and someone is trying to kill Quinn. Will she and Jet find their happily ever after as life mates, or will her assassin find her first?

MILE HIGH WITH A VAMPIRE takes off with a bang and that pacing continues throughout. It starts with a plane crash, severely injuring several vampires with the only blood source being the hero lent to an almost frenetic high stakes pacing, and I loved every minute of it. Even once the initial crisis was over, things were still pretty high stakes, only upping the entertainment factor. 

I really enjoyed the romance this time around. After 33 books, one would think it would be hard to keep things fresh, but the author surely did in this book. Our hero, Jet, while human, is a fantastic alpha male who knows what he wants, and isn't intimidated by being any weaker etc. He takes charge and lets Quinn know what he wants and needs, even while she is an utter hot mess to put it bluntly. Quinn has issues, lots and lots of issues that she needs to work through. There were times I felt she wasn't really being fair to Jet, but I really enjoyed the progression as she worked through things and tried to be the best she could be. It was a refreshing change of pace to not see the hero trying to prove he's worthy, but the heroine doing so instead. 

All in all, MILE HIGH WITH A VAMPIRE is a fast paced, and enjoyable installment in the Argeneau series that will be sure to please fans of the series.

(Received a copy from the publisher)


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     Books Best Blog
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Previous Books:
     1. A Quick Bite
     2. Love Bites
     3. Single White Vampire
     4. Tall, Dark, & Hungry
     5. A Bite to Remember
     6. Bite Me If You Can
     7. The Accidental Vampire
     8. Vampires Are Forever
     9. Vampire, Interrupted
    10. The Rouge Hunter
    11. The Immortal Hunter
    12. The Renegade Hunter
    13. Born to Bite
    14. Hungry for You
    15. The Reluctant Vampire
    16. Under a Vampire Moon
    17. The Lady is a Vamp
    18. Immortal Ever After
    19. One Lucky Vampire
    20. Vampire Most Wanted
    21. The Immortal Who Loved Me
    22. About a Vampire
    23. Runaway Vampire
    24. Immortal Nights
    25. Immortal Unchained
    26. Immortally Yours
    27. Twice Bitten
    28. Vampires Like it Hot
    29. The Trouble with Vampires
    30. Immortal Born
    31. Immortal Angel

Review: Last Guard by Nalini Singh

, by Kt Clapsadl

Last Guard by Nalini Singh
Psy-Changeling Trinity #5

New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh returns to a world devastated by change in her award-winning Psy-Changeling Trinity series, where two people defined by their aloneness hold the fate of the Psy in their hands…

Termed merciless by some, and a robotic sociopath by others, Payal Rao is the perfect Psy: cardinal telekinetic, CEO of a major conglomerate, beautiful—and emotionless.

For Canto Mercant, family and loyalty are everything. A cardinal telepath deemed "imperfect" by his race due to a spinal injury, Canto cares for the opinions of very few—and ruthlessly protects those he claims as his own. Head of intel of the influential Mercant family, he prefers to remain a shadow in the Net, unknown and unseen. But Canto is also an Anchor, part of a secretive designation whose task it is to stabilize the PsyNet. Now that critical psychic network is dying, threatening to collapse and kill the entire Psy race with it.

To save those he loves, Canto needs the help of a woman bound to him by a dark past neither has been able to forget. A woman who is the most powerful Anchor of them all: Payal Rao. Neither is ready for the violent inferno about to ignite in the PsyNet…or the passionate madness that threatens to destroy them both.

I really enjoyed the deeper look into the Anchor designation. Prior to LAST GUARD, they were much of a mystery, and it was really nice to see the curtain pulled back a bit. With each new book in this series, the world only expands further, and I love every moment. I also really enjoyed that this book featured a Mercant, expanding on that family dynamic as well. There's nothing better than a tight knit, but cutthroat family, and the Mercants truly fit that bill.

In regards to the romance, the characters individually were fantastic, and they were easy to care about. Both of them stood out in their own right, and their uniqueness really added to the story. However, the two of them paired together just didn't have quite that spark of previous couples. I can't quite put my finger on why, but the two of them together just didn't quite wow like others. Luckily this series is so more than just the romance, so it didn't really detract, just worth a mention.

All in all, LAST GUARD is another enjoyable installment in the Psy-Changling world that is sure to please fans of the series.

(Received a copy from the publisher)


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      Fresh Fiction
      The Brown Eyed Bookworm
      Booklovers for Life

Previous Books:
     1. Silver Silence
     2. Ocean Light
     3. Wolf Rain
     4. Alpha Night

Review: Stray Moon by Kelly Meding

, by Kt Clapsadl

Stray Moon by Kelly Meding
Strays #2

Para-Marshal Shiloh Harrison has always been a great number two for the East Coast unit. But after her boss is found dead (having betrayed the paranormals he was sworn to protect), she’s suddenly thrust into a leadership role she isn’t prepared for. And it doesn’t help that she traded away memories of one of her most important team members to save another’s life during her last mission.

Too, she’s in charge of a unit that is mired in bureaucratic red tape, meaning she’s essentially under house arrest. But a West Coast Para-Marshal has astral-projected a warning: werewolves are going missing, and she needs Shiloh’s help. Last time it was vampires. This time it’s werewolves. Half-djinn herself, she knows she can’t just sit around and do nothing while paranormals are getting snatched. Her old boss may have broken his oath, but Shiloh will do anything to serve and protect. 

STRAY MOON has all of the great parts of an enjoyable urban fantasy. There's great world building, an interesting cast of characters, and the heroine is tough as nails to boot, and completely likeable. The plotline kept me guessing from the start, and there's plenty of danger and action. It was very easy to get invested with the character's plight, all making for the perfect recipe for the genre.

As enjoyable of an urban fantasy STRAY MOON is, it unfortunately suffers from one major flaw. Shiloh lost her memories of the person she loved most in the world at the end of the last book. Jaxon was that person, which came as a surprise at the end of the prior book. So in this book, she's struggling with everyone knowing Jaxon and telling her they had a relationship, he's an important of the team, etc, etc. I get that struggle, don't get me wrong, but the extent it was dwelled upon and issues it caused became extremely redundant. So much so that I found myself saying multiple times, enough already!, out loud. Unfortunately this had me continually putting the book down, and it became a struggle to finish at times. It's a shame because otherwise, there's so much potential here otherwise. I just didn't care for feeling like I was hit upside the head over and over with a two by four to get that she doesn't trust him due to her memory loss.

All in all, repetitiveness aside, STRAY MOON was an enjoyable installment in the Stray series, and I'm looking forward to seeing where things lead next.

(Received a copy from the publisher)


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     Gizmo's Reviews
     Carole's Random Life
     Tome Tender

Previous Books:
     1. Stray Magic

Early Review: Million Dollar Demon by Kim Harrison

, by Kt Clapsadl

Million Dollar Demon by Kim Harrison
The Hollows #15
To save the city, Rachel Morgan will need to show some teeth in the next Hollows novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Kim Harrison.

The new master vampire of Cincinnati has arrived . . . and she wants Rachel Morgan out. No matter where Rachel goes, Constance is there--threatening Rachel's allies, causing city-wide chaos, and, to add insult to injury, even forcing Rachel out of her current quarters. Ever since Rachel found a way to save the souls of vampires, the old undead's longtime ascendancy has been broken. Now Constance sees eliminating Rachel as the key to consolidating her own power.

Rachel has no desire to be enthralled or killed--and she's terrified of what may become of the city if Constance forces a return to the ancient ways. But even a witch-born demon can't stand against the old undead--at least, not alone. And if Rachel refuses to claim the role of Cincinnati's master demon, the city will tear itself apart, taking her and all those who stand beside her with it.

If American Demon was the appetizer foray back into the Hollows, then MILLION DOLLAR DEMON was the full entrée and then some. Rachel, Jenks, Trent, and company are fully back and here to stay, and I couldn't be happier. I can't express how much I enjoyed this book. While Rachel has mostly grown and found/accepted herself, there's still a bit of hesitancy on her part whenever it comes to accepting a role of power. The new master vampire, Constance, is bonkers and insanely brutal, and as a result, the community is pressing hard on Rachel to step up. Of course stepping up has never been a problem for her, but it's to the level needed that has her on edge. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this new journey and new role for Rachel. 

Another great thing about the Hollows is the large cast of characters and the relationships, family, platonic, romantic or otherwise. Rachel and Trent are as happy as ever,  even if the Elven Dewar and Ellsbeth try and throw wrenches into things. And Jenks... as always, the bond between him and Rachel is by far my favorite, and it warms my heart to see it continue. However, one relationship hasn't been quite what it once was, Al and Rachel. I'm so hopeful that starts to turn around quickly, but it's more than a little sad at the moment to see them at such odds. Regardless of the current status, it's these relationships and all the so many others that make this series so incredible.

All in all, MILLION DOLLAR DEMON was an utterly fantastic read that I couldn't put down. Fans of the series will be more than pleased with this installment and clamoring for more!

(Received a copy from the publisher)


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Previous Books:
     1. Dead Witch Walking
     2. The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
     3. Every Which Way But Dead
     4. A Fistful of Charms
     5. For a Few Demons More
     6. The Outlaw Demon Wails
     7. White Witch, Black Curse
     8. Back Magic Sanction
     9. Pale Demon
     10. A Perfect Blood
     11. Ever After
     12. The Undead Pool
     14. American Demon

Review: American Demon by Kim Harrison

, by Kt Clapsadl

American Demon by Kim Harrison
The Hollows #14

Rachel Morgan is back--and The Hollows will never be the same.

What happens after you've saved the world? Well, if you're Rachel Mariana Morgan, witch-born demon, you quickly discover that something might have gone just a little bit wrong. That the very same acts you and your friends took to forge new powers may have released something bound by the old. With a rash of zombies, some strange new murders, and an exceedingly mysterious new demon in town, it will take everything Rachel has to counter this new threat to the world--and it may demand the sacrifice of what she holds most dear.

When I first picked up AMERICAN DEMON, I had assumed it would pick up after the epilogue of The Witch With No Name, but it actually picks up a short time after the actual ending events of that book. I'll admit that for the first few chapters of this book I was rather confused as it just didn't mesh with the epic HEA from that original epilogue. And then, I realized I didn't care, as regardless of the timeline, there's more Rachel books, which means a YAY from me. 

Things are anything but rosy for Rachel and company as despite all she did to save the world, politics and complications derail pretty much everything. And frankly, that makes for the BEST kinds of books. While the poor characters are going through chaos and turmoil, it keeps the reader sucked in, and Kim Harrison is a master at her craft in this aspect. She's not afraid to take big risks, and this book was no exception. The church gang is "breaking up" with Ivy gravitating more towards Nina, the demons are living in plain sight, Trent's leadership is being challenged, all while him and Rachel try and foster their budding relationship, and oh so much more. This book is jammed packed and I loved every single moment of it.

All in all, AMERICAN DEMON is another smash hit in this amazing series, and I can't wait to see what happens next!

(Received a copy from the publisher)


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      Between Dreams and Reality
      a GREAT read
      Gizmo's Reviews

Previous Books:
     1. Dead Witch Walking
     2. The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
     3. Every Which Way But Dead
     4. A Fistful of Charms
     5. For a Few Demons More
     6. The Outlaw Demon Wails
     7. White Witch, Black Curse
     8. Back Magic Sanction
     9. Pale Demon
     10. A Perfect Blood
     11. Ever After
     12. The Undead Pool

Review: The Night Rebel Series by Jeaniene Frost

, by Kt Clapsadl

The Night Rebel Series by Jeaniene Frost

In this thrilling new Night Rebel series set in New York Times bestselling author Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress world, sexy and ruthless vampire Ian finally meets his match!

I have to admit I was just a wee bit skeptical about how this series would turn out. The Night Huntress series and the various spin offs are at the top of my all time favorites list. I can't count the number of times I've re-read the books in this world, both in paper and in audio. They are just that good, and are my go-to comfort reads. Cat & Bones, Vlad & Leila, and the rest of the pairings all hold special places in my heart. Frankly however, Ian was never at the top of any list for me other than distain perhaps. He was just awful in the 2nd book in the original Night Huntress series. In fairness as the world expanded we did get to see a bit more depth from him. With each additional interaction as these series progressed, I began to see some potential, but it was barely an ember of a flame at best. So with that hope in mind I started book 1, and I am extremely happy to admit my concerns were 100% unfounded. There is so much more to Ian than his exterior shows. Trust me, even if you are hesitant, read this series, you'll fall head over heels for him. 

In paranormal romances, many times the gruffest antihero just needs to be brought to his knees by the heroine. And magically this heroine just makes the hero change all of his ways. In this case I was expecting the same, but imagine my delight when it turns out both bring each other to their knees. Veritas comes with just as much baggage as Ian, if not more, and she's no angel herself. I truly loved her character and all the added depth she brought to this series. I can't really say much more to keep from spoiling things but trust me, this is the perfect enemies to lovers pairing. Simply delicious!

Fans of the Night Huntress world will be delighted in this new trilogy addition. Ian and Veritas are everything readers could hope for and then some. Jeaniene Frost has done it again, and I can't wait to see what happens next!

(Received a copy from the publisher)


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Review: Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews

, by Kt Clapsadl

Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews
Hidden Legacy #5

As Prime magic users, Catalina Baylor and her sisters have extraordinary powers—powers their ruthless grandmother would love to control. Catalina can earn her family some protection working as deputy to the Warden of Texas, overseeing breaches of magic law in the state, but that has risks as well. When House Baylor is under attack and monsters haunt her every step, Catalina is forced to rely on handsome, dangerous Alessandro Sagredo, the Prime who crushed her heart.

The nightmare that Alessandro has fought since childhood has come roaring back to life, but now Catalina is under threat. Not even his lifelong quest for revenge will stop him from keeping her safe, even if every battle could be his last. Because Catalina won't rest until she stops the use of the illicit, power-granting serum that's tearing their world apart.

I'm a complete Ilona Andrews fan girl. They write it. I love it, and will reread them over and over again. I love all of the characters and rich worlds. Catalina is a bit different than some of her predecessors. She's quieter, calmer, and more calculating, less brash as it were, and I love the added depth she brings. That doesn't keep her from getting in over her head at times, and it was incredibly enjoyable getting to see her work her way out of the latest mess. 

Onto the romance side of things. After Alessandro left, the last thing Catalina wanted was to be paired with him again. So when she's forced into accepting him as her bodyguard, boy oh boy do the sparks fly. The two are like oil and water and yet when they do come together in sync, whoo boy, talk about swoon! I also really enjoyed getting to see further into his past and the revelations on why he is the way he is, and choices he has made were earth shattering. Talk about ramping the intensity up to eleven! 

All in all, EMERALD BLAZE is a fantastic installment in the Hidden Legacy series that let me clamoring for more. Fans of the series will be more than pleased with Catalina's latest adventure.

(Received a copy from the publisher)


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      Between Dreams and Reality
      Gizmo's Reviews
      Fantasy Literature

Previous Books:
     1. Burn for Me
     2. White Hot
     3. Wildfire
     3.5. Diamond Fire
     4. Sapphire Flames

Review: Archangel's Sun by Nalini Singh

, by Kt Clapsadl

Archangel's Sun by Nalini Singh
Guild Hunter #13

A horrifying secret rises in the aftermath of an archangelic war in New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh’s deadly and beautiful Guild Hunter world...

The Archangel of Death and the Archangel of Disease may be gone but their legacy of evil lives on—especially in Africa, where the shambling, rotting creatures called the reborn have gained a glimmer of vicious intelligence.

It is up to Titus, archangel of this vast continent, to stop the reborn from spreading across the world. Titus can’t do it alone, but of the surviving powerful angels and archangels, large numbers are wounded, while the rest are fighting a surge of murderous vampires.

There is no one left…but the Hummingbird. Old, powerful, her mind long a broken kaleidoscope. Now, she must stand at Titus’s side against a tide of death upon a discovery more chilling than any other. For the Archangel of Disease has left them one last terrible gift…

After the insane intensity of the prior book, I had wondered how ARCHANGEL'S SUN could possibly top that epic showdown. Well after reading this book, I can tell you it didn't "top" it, it didn't need to, and I'm so glad the author went this direction. After all the insane nailing biting intensity the series had been building to, and then came to fruition, afterwards this installment was the perfect palate cleanser and perfect beginning of a new world. It read like a new hope, and a new direction for the series, and I loved every bit of it. 

Now onto the romance pairing, if you had of asked me a few books ago if I would have predicted Titus and the Hummingbird pairing up, I probably would have laughed. And yet now after finishing ARCHANGEL'S SUN, I can't picture any other pairing for these two. Sharine seemed so fragile, and Titus so brutish, but there's so much more than meets the eye for both of them. Beneath Sharine's frail exterior lies an iron core will. I absolutely adored her and how she of all people didn't back down to Titus' booming roughness. For an Archangel being so used to his way or the highway, it was more than entertaining seeing her defy him and ultimately bring him to his knees.

ARCHAGEL'S SUN was everything I could have hoped for an then some. This series only gets better with each new installment, and I can't wait to see what comes next!

(Received a copy from the publisher)


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Other Reviews:
      The Bookish Sweet Tooth
      The Brown Eyed Bookworm
      Books of My Heart

Previous Books:
     1. Angels' Blood
     2. Archangel's Kiss
     3. Archangel's Consort
     4. Archangel's Blade
     5. Archangel's Storm
     6. Archangel's Legion
     8. Archangel's Enigma
     9. Archangel's Heart
     10. Archangel's Viper
     12. Archangel's War


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Review: Wild Sign by Patricia Briggs

, by Kt Clapsadl

Wild Sign by Patricia Briggs
Alpha & Omega #6


Mated werewolves Charles Cornick and Anna Latham must discover what could make an entire community disappear — before it's too late — in this thrilling entry in the #1 New York Times bestselling Alpha and Omega series.

In the wilds of the Northern California mountains, all the inhabitants of a small town have gone missing. It's as if the people picked up and left everything they owned behind. Fearing something supernatural might be going on, the FBI taps a source they've consulted in the past: the werewolves Charles Cornick and Anna Latham. But Charles and Anna soon find a deserted town is the least of the mysteries they face.

Death sings in the forest, and when it calls, Charles and Anna must answer. Something has awakened in the heart of the California mountains, something old and dangerous — and it has met werewolves before.

The wait between installments in this series can a bit long, but in WILD SIGN'S case, the wait was worth is and then some. It's a bit of a darker, gritter book, but absolutely perfect. Charles and Anna are off on another "adventure" with a new big, bad to hunt down. And boy was the bad a doozy in this case. The danger felt incredibly real, and the stakes were high. I simply could not put this one down once I picked it up. It was that intense.

This book accomplished something I thought to be impossible. It made me actually like Leah. Considering her treatment towards Mercy as well as her overall harshness, etc, I never was the greatest fan of hers. Don't get me wrong her "loveless" mating to Bran couldn't be easy, but she still just rubbed me the wrong way. WILD SIGN added a whole new dimension to her character that was incredibly interesting. It's a true testament to the author's skill at her ability to add such depth to a much hated character this far into this established word. Bravo!

All in all, WILD SIGN is another fantastic installment in the Alpha & Omega series that left me with a smile on my face and I can't wait until the next book's release!

(Received a copy from the publisher)


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      Gizmo's Reviews
      The Brown Eyed Bookworm

Previous Books:
     1. Cry Wolf
     2. Hunting Ground
     3. Fair Game
     4. Dead Heat
     5. Burn Bright

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