Let's Talk With Smash & Kt

May 24, 2013

Welcome to the Let’s Talk weekly discussion meme!

Originally hosted by Melissa from i swim for oceans, Smash & Kt took her original inspiration, and made it their own, expanding it to more than just books. Let’s get personal (but respectfully so) and learn more about one another!  Each week, a different question will be posted along with a place to link up your posts and visit other people’s responses.This meme is definitely meant to bring out conversation and meet new people. So, Let's Talk!

Smash and I would like to thank everyone who has participated in Let's Talk with us over the past 30 weeks. We really have enjoyed discussing everything with you. However, as both Smash and my career situations have changed for the better since we started, we have been looking for ways to streamline our blogs, and still have the best content possible in our limited schedules. So, unfortunately, this meme is one of the things that will be discontinued. Thank you again so much for joining us on this journey!

Past Topics:


  • 11/2/12: Be honest, do you ever get embarrassed by some of the posts from when you first started blogging due to the lessor quality? Yes, growth and experience is natural, but do you ever get the urge to go back and “fix” things?
  • 11/9/12: What TV shows are you most excited for this Fall/Winter, and why? Yes, we encourage the pimping of hot men on TV. There is certainly no shortage of that this season! (Thank you, Ashley/Bibliophile’s Corner!)
  • 11/16/12: What are your thoughts on series? How many books in a series is too many? What authors do you think handle longer series well, as opposed to ones who seem to stretch it out less successfully? (Thank you, Shirley/Creative Deeds! )
  • 11/23/12: Do you have any hobbies other than blogging/reading? How do you balance them along with all of life’s other responsibilities? Feel free to share pictures. (Thank you, Mandee/Books & Bling, April/My 5 Monkeys and Doville!)
  • 11/30/12: How much time do you think you spend on blogging each week, including commenting on other blogs, participating in events, Twitter/Facebook blog talk, etc? Do you have a time management system that works well for you? We’d love to know! (Thank you, Vicky/Books, Biscuits and Tea!)
  • 12/7/12: Do you use “green” products? Do you recycle?  Please share your thoughts and resources on helping our planet live for future generations. (Thank you, Mary!)
  • 12/14/12: How many books do you own (keepers) and how many are in your to-be-read pile? Feel free to include pictures! (Thank you, Doville!)
  • 12/21/12: Please share your favorite Holiday recipe. And if you don’t have one or cook, then go find one that sounds YUM-O! Feel free to include pictures. (Thank you, Krisitn/My ParaHangover!)
  • 12/28/12: What are your New Year Resolutions? Or, what goals have you set for yourself in 2013.


  • 1/4/13: Do reviews often influence your book choices, or are you someone who doesn’t read reviews until after reading the book? (Thank you, Vicky/Books, Biscuits and Tea!)
  • 1/11/13: If you could be any animal (real or mythical), what would it be, and why? Get creative here! (Thank you, Ashley/The Bibliophile’s Corner!)
  • 1/18/13: Do you hide your book purchases from your significant other/parents/children/pet/old lady down the street? Share some good smuggling stories! (Thank you, Kristin/My ParaHangover!)
  • 1/25/13: SMASH’S BIRTHDAY! icon smile Lets Talk! What do you do for birthday celebrations? Feel free to share pictures!
  • 2/1/13: Reviewers: How do you handle the less than ideal review requests? You know, the ones that have clearly not read your blog or your review policy. Also, what’s the worst review request you’ve ever received?
  • 2/8/13: Procrastination: does it rule your life? Or are you more of the prepared/scheduled type? (Thank you, Lena Sledge!)
  • 2/15/13:What are your thoughts on book merchandising/promotions? Do you think it’s an asset for authors? Does it interest you personally? What is the most creative way you’ve seen a book promoted in the stores, at a conference or on the web? (Thank you, Miki/Lecture toute une Aventure!)
  • 2/22/13: If you could be part of one fictional family (book or screen), what family would you choose, and why? Would you choose to be a current family member, or a new one? (Thank you, Ashley/The Bibliophile’s Corner!)
  • 3/1/13: Do you need romance in your books to read them? If not, what else “hooks” you? (Thank you, Rachel/Parajunkee!)
  • 3/8/13: What social media sites/tools do you frequently use? Which ones do you avoid and why?
  • 3/15/13: Do you rate a book differently based on the genre? Are there certain genres that you hold at a higher standard? Are there books that will gain an automatic “pass” or overlook of issues just because you love the genre/ type of world? If you don’t rate books, you can answer the questions based on your review criteria.
  • 3/22/13: Are too many books being made into movies? (Thank you Krista/The Dust JACKet)
  • 3/29/13: Does your family approve of blogging and reading so much? How do you compromise when they object? (Thank you Maryam/Books Glorious Books)
  • 4/5/13: When you get on the computer, what sites distracts you from working on your blog? (Thank you Doville)
  • 4/12/13: Do you judge books by their covers? Why or why not? (Thank you Ashley/The Biblophile’s Corner)
  • 4/19/13: What is your favorite spot to read? Have you changed your furniture layout to better accommodate reading (i.e. purchasing certain laps or chairs). (Thank you, Alicia)
  • 4/26/13: Do you accept review requests? If not, why? If so, then how many review requests do you get in a month? How many do you accept? How do you balance between review requests and reading your own books? Have you ever gone out of your way to reduce your incoming review books? With so many reviews books being offered (solicited or not) to book bloggers, have you ever emailed a publicist to reduce the number of books sent? Do you ever feel guilty over receiving these review books that you know you won’t be able to get to knowing other book bloggers could benefit from them? How do you deal? (Thanks, KT and Na)
  • 5/3/13:  Do you have pets? Are they your cuddle-buddies when you’re reading? Share the pet love! (Thanks, Sarah/Sarah Says Read and Miki/ Lecture toute une Aventure and Dovile)
  • 5/10/13: Do you take advantage of Freebies? or Do you think Freebies are a good selling tool for authors and publishers? (Thanks, Shirley/Creative Deeds)
  • 5/17/13Have you ever been inspired to do something creative by reading about it in a book? Examples cooking, baking, trying a new food or drink, making jewelry, designing clothes or shoes and even bookish inspired vacations. (Thanks, Alli/Alli’s World and Alicia)
  • 5/24/13What do you consider the most necessary things to include when writing a review? Should there be something emphasized more in the review such as reading experience, the characters, or the writing style? Are spoilers or minor explanations of the plot to be omitted from a review? (Thanks, Angie)

    Thank you for joining along and HAVE FUN!

    ash sign Lets Talk! and Kt sig Lets Talk!


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